Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. II Corinthians 5:17
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Matthew 7:1
I get this question a lot when witnessing so I think it is needs explaining. People say all of the time "I thought Christians are not supposed to judge" this is usually said after any type of sin is pointed out to them. It doesn't seem to matter anymore what sin they are defending, if you tell a sinner they are wrong then they fire back with this statement. They are, of course, taking the words of Jesus, whether they know it or not, from Matthew Chapter 7 verse 1 where while preaching the sermon on the mount Jesus says " Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." This scripture is generally taken either out of context, or misunderstood so when I try to explain this to someone who says that I am judging them because I have told them what the Bible clearly says is sin, then I use this example.... Imagine you are speeding down the highway, or committing any other crime for that matter, and a policeman stops you and gives tells you that you are doing wrong. If you were to say "I thought you were not supposed to judge" then of course the officer will say I am not your judge that is someone else's job, my job is to tell you that you have clearly broke the established law and therefore if you do not change your way you will end up in jail. I think that this example makes sense to many who are confused on this issue. As Christians we are not called to condemn and pronounce judgment on other for there sins, just as a policeman cannot give you a life sentence for any crime. But like the policeman, it is our duty to uphold God's law and we are well within our right to tell someone that if they do not repent of there sins and ask the Lord's forgiveness then they are going to face judgment one day, because where would any Christian be if they had not had someone kind enough to share the gospel with them. I also believe that if we do not have the compassion to point out to someone that they are breaking the established laws of the Bible then it could be that we ourselves will be judged one day, I don't want to see anyone die lost therefore I must be vigilant to spread the gospel and show God's love unless with what measure of compassion I give to others it shall be measured to me again in the soon coming Judgment day of the Lord. I want to hear Him say well done thou good and faithful servant, don't you?
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Busy Summer
God is good all the time! This summer I have been truly blessed. Our family has had the privilege of attending 2 youth camps and 3 camp meetings, and we have had an amazing time. I think there is no better way to spend a summer than in the presence of the Lord at a holiness service almost every night. I personally have used this opportunity to draw closer to the Lord than I ever have in my life and I have applied these verses to my life (Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.) and I have seen amazing results. The Lord has dealt with me to lay aside weights that used to seem so important, that now seem as foolish as trying to run a marathon while carrying a bowling ball. I am living proof that God can change anyone's hear t if they are willing and can then use them to do things that would previously seem unbelievable. I want to encourage anyone who reads this to spend some time in daily prayer drawing closer to the Lord and you will see what amazing things He has in store for you!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Triple play of happiness
Every individual is made up of three parts, the body, the mind, and the spirit. This is what makes us human and also why we have so many problems in the world today. Most people do not realize this simple fact and in turn, they neglect an important part of themselves. I know this is true because I was guilty of this myself. We go about our daily lives filled with unavoidable traps that are comforting to the body, and spend countless hours occupying our minds with every form of immoral entertainment imaginable, but we do nothing for our spirit. This is why most of the world is miserable and are turning to substances that alter their physical capacity and mental awareness to dull the spirit's cry for attention. I can speak from experience that true happiness is attainable! Anyone on this planet has within them the ability to be truly happy, you just have to follow a simple pattern. Start with improving the spiritual aspect of your being and the other two will immediately fall in line. Most people have it backward, I know I did, they try to please the body with so many things and when that doesn't work they try to occupy or destroy their mind to eliminate the ill effects of living for physical pleasure alone and this pattern only ends in sadness and depression. The physical and mental appetites for pleasure are never filled and they only lead to death and destruction. Without the help of your spiritual side you don't stand a chance. Most everyone knows these facts deep down, but they chose to ignore them or don't fully understand it. Just so we are clear about what I mean when I say physical and mental, unavoidable traps in our daily lives I mean things like lust, alcohol, tobacco, greed, pornography, drugs, mindless entertainment, hate, risky or demeaning behavior, envy, etc. Things that no one really wants to do but they always wind up doing them and then they are filled with regret. I don't think anyone when they are a kid wants to grow up to be a drug addict, a porn star, or an ax murderer, but if you spend your life ignoring your spiritual being, then those things can happen because it is an endless cycle of trying to find more and more new things that please the body and stimulate the mind. All of this can be prevented or stopped and it is not very difficult to do. It is very simple, so pay attention.... the only way to improve your spiritual being, and your whole life, is to pray everyday to God. He will listen to you and help you in unexplainable way. That is it, that is all it takes. Just do this one thing and your whole being, body, mind, and spirit, will be at peace and truly, completely happy and you will be a whole person.
Friday, April 20, 2012
You can make it!
I just want to let everyone know that God can make a change in your life, if you truly want Him to! If you have something that you are struggling with pray about it rather than try to do it yourself. I had things in my life that had me bound for over 20 years, and God took them away in an instant. I could not get over them in myself, I tried many times and miserably failed, but all it took was me determining to let God help me. I hope this encourages someone to give God a chance today to make a great change in your life. Just remember this verse..."And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible." Mark 10:27
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
New Direction
I now have a new purpose in my life and therefore I feel that my blog must reflect that. So if you have been following this blog because you like to read sporadic rants about traffic, mixed with the occasional random copy&pasted jokes, then I'm sorry. But I don't think anyone will miss them and I did leave the one about the existence of God. Instead I hope you get some encouragement from reading the testimonies of how God is working in my life. Also from now on I will try to regularly update as well, instead of 3 posts in a week and then not another for six months.
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