Friday, December 27, 2013

The constitution of man

Man was created in the image of God. Every person has a free will and can choose to accept the plan of salvation that was made possible by the sacrifice that Christ brought on Calvary. We must have this freedom of choice to be capable of salvation. Salvation comes through our choice to believe, and our willing confession of our sins.[1] Therefore man is not bound by sin and death but can accept the gift of salvation if he so chooses. All of us are born with a sin nature and we are sinners until we come to salvation. But even then we have to make the choice daily to remain a Christian. If we do not make that continual effort to follow after Christ then we are in danger of backsliding. Also if we do fall to temptation, then we have the option to repent and our advocate with the Father[2] will seek forgiveness on our behalf. We alone have to decide our fate, whether it be heaven or hell. The Lord wants to be saved, but He has
left the choice up to us.

[1] Romans 10:9-11 The Holy Bible King James Version, (Indianapolis: B.B. Kirkbride Bible Company, 2007), 1200.
[2] 1 John 2:1 The Holy Bible King James Version, (Indianapolis: B.B. Kirkbride Bible Company, 2007), 1296.